The Order of Franciscan Penitents

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903 Old Hwy 63
Columbia, Missouri 65201

Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.
Tues. & Thurs. Mass: noon
Wed. Evening Prayer: 6 p.m.

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October 20-27, 2024

Friar's Footnotes by Fr. John Prenger, OFP

Hello to All.

I will just dive in.  Our upcoming weekend Scriptures are Jeremiah 31: 7-9; Psalm 126; Hebrews 7: 23-28; and Mark 10: 46-52.  I love this gospel.  It is the story of blind Bartimaeus.  In Mark's gospel, a good portion of Jesus' movement toward His Passion in Jerusalem is sandwiched between the blind man who needed a second touch to see clearly and this account, where Bartimaeus sees Jesus for who He truly is: The Son of King David--the awaited Messiah.  He has received his sight fully and is called to follow Jesus' Way faithfully.

The first reading is a section of Jeremiah where it is prophesied that the blind will be brought to the God of Israel and they will see to follow the "straight way".

The second reading continues speaking of Jesus' Sonship and Eternal High Priesthood at God's right hand, where He always intercedes for us.

Chapel Schedule
Tuesday noon Eucharist (October 22), Fr. John presiding
Thursday noon Eucharist (October 24), Fr. John presiding
Saturday 5 pm Eucharist (October 26), Fr. John presiding

For your planning, Friday, November 1, Fr. Jim will celebrate his ordination anniversary and asks us to join with him as he presides at a 5 pm Eucharist.  And we will follow it with a meal together.

"Let us work with new love in service of the poor, looking for the most destitute and abandoned among them.  Let us recognize that before God they are our lords and masters, and we are unworthy to render them our small services."  St Vincent de Paul

"My vocation is love...In the heart of the Church, who is my Mother, I will be love"     and  "After my death I will let fall a shower of roses.  I will spend my heaven doing good upon earth."  St Therese of Lisieux (Carmelite sister, know as the Little Flower)

"Let us never forget that if we wish to die like the Saints, we must live like them."  St. Mother Theodore Guerin, founder of Providence sisters in the United States


Several in our worshipping community need prayerful support for health and other issues.    So, don't let up on the prayer support.  Love to all.   Your brother in St. Francis,

Fr. John ofp



Padre’s Pontifications by Fr. Jim McNeely

September 2024

1.        I plan to restart my blog in October. It will be a place where I discuss ideas and memes from my life with God in the world as a Christian vagabond. I will make a weekly post each Friday whenever possible. Check in regularly to

2.        The last third of the year is Fall. I spent much of my life in school…and the start of the Fall Semester just seems to usher in that “Fall” feeling. As we look to these months, there are two words I want to drop into your mind. The first word is “urgency”. If you are like me, you think you will “have time” to get things done. Don’t be so certain. We need to “redeem the time, for the days are evil.” The second word is “healing”. There are two aspects of this word worthy of consideration: Our own need for deeper healing in our lives AND that we need to pray for each other (and especially those in need of healing NOT a part of our community).

3.        Let me suggest a new word for your vocabulary: “Business As Usual” which Is now “BAU”. Don’t BAU! Don’t BAU to complacency. Don’t BAU to mediocrity. And most of all, don’t BAU to limited visions of what God can do in our lives.

4.        Finally for this month, remember an important principle of community: Ignore the noise. We have too much to accomplish to spend our time in stuff that doesn’t move us forward. For example, the world is all caught up in politics as we consider who we vote into office locally, in the state, and on the federal level. We need to ignore the nonsense and stay focused on Kingdom priorities. And remember that a big part of “ignoring the noise” is a deep, heartfelt loyalty to each other in our community. If issues emerge that require conversation, make sure we are talking TO each other, not ABOUT each other.

Dr. Jim McNeely+
Parent, Priest, Person